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January’s Monthly Giveaway-Butane Pocket Torch

Hey DIY Fans – Thanks for checking out my site! Every month I’m giving away a nice prize for helping support DO IT and spreading the DIY love.

Here’s how to get in on the giveaway:
1. Post on or about mikesenese.com/DOIT. Each post you make gets you an “entry” in the drawing. No limit!

What counts?
-A comment on any post on my site
-Tweeting/RT’ing any links to the site
-Blogging about the site elsewhere
-Purchasing something on Amazon via the Amazon search box on the sidebar
-Posting about the site on Facebook
Adding me on Twitter
-Subscribing to the email updatesRSS feed, following my DIY (or Mustache) page on facebook
-Buying something/anything via my Amazon affiliate account (or initiate the purchase by using the search box on the right sidebar). That’s right, I’m just like Roger Ebert and Adam Corolla.

2. Send me a note to let me know, and I’ll put your name in the list.

At the end of each month, I’ll draw a name and send that person a prize. The prizes will always be different, and always awesome.

And now, this month’s prize:

January 2010: Blazer MT3000 Hot Shot Butane Torch

I love this torch for small electronics projects – look for how I use it on my upcoming headphone repair post. The self-igniter and ability to stand upright are absolute necessities.