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BMX Vampire Hunters IN PARIS – DIY Film Project

BMX Vampire Hunters IN PARIS from Mike Senese on Vimeo. My sister and I met up in SF a few week back and did a fun video project called BMX Vampire Hunters IN PARIS. Deliberately full of mistakes, translation errors and misconceptions. Filmed on…

Starting a Tomato Garden

Suppose you like to make pizza, so much so that you cook it a few times a week. At that point, you’re probably exploring all the tips and techniques to make all the ingredients fresh and delicious. Which is exactly why I decided to…

How Did I Get 150,000 Views on Flickr in One Day?

In mid-January 2009, a nerdishly awesome thing happened: one of my flickr photos got 150,000 views over the course of a day. How did that happen? It got onto the front page of Digg. At this point, there’s no secret that Digg is a…

The DIY Microwave Welder

First, and foremost: do NOT attempt this project if you do not have a thorough and in-depth understanding of the nature of the components that are involved. The current involved can easily kill you. That said, here is a three-part video series on how…

Land Rover: How to Replace the Rear Crossmember

When I bought my land rover I knew that it had a rusted rear crossmember. I drove it for a year and then decided the danger was too great and it was time to fix things. The springs connected right into the rusted area…

DIY Project: Cut-and-Fold Paper iPhone

When the iPhone was announced I was really eager to see how it would look in person, size up against my RAZR, how it might fit in my hand, etc. They weren’t going to release it for a few months still, so using the…

DIY Project: Make Your Own Paper iPod Nano Case

I was working at Wired magazine when the iPod Nano was announced, early September 2005. MacWorld was happening a few blocks away, but I couldn’t leave to check it out that day. Late in the morning, I saw the first photo of the Nano…